Liner Contention for reactor buildings and liners for storage bunkers (spent fuels, resins and radiated waste)
Filters storage facilities
Maintenance & Operational support
Design of complex mechanical structures
Remote Controlled Tooling for Reactor Interventions
Welding tools & heads
Gripping handling tooling
Vacuum handling tooling
Crushing & Cutting tolling
Glove Boxes & Tailor-made Hot-Cells for Gamma Sources.
Channel Closure Plug
Delivering 656 MWe since March 2019 CONUAR supplied and manufactured for Embalse Refurbishment practically all channel components, feeders, supports, U-tubes and more:
. 380 Pressure Tubes
. 380 Calandria Tubes
. 780 End Fitting Assemblies
. 780 Channel Closure Plugs
. 780 Shield Plugs
. Full Set of Feeders manufactured at Embalse Site, its Supports and the
Assembly of those components at Faces A & B of the Reactor
. Manufactured & supplied the new Moderator Heat Exchangers, including the
new sets of U-tubes made of Duplex
. Two sets of alloy 800 U-tubes for the new Steam Generators
Whole processes were Qualified, Certified & Audited by AECL then by CANDU Energy, ASME USA, TSSA Canada, Hartford Inspection Agency and NA-SA Inspectors.
SM&S manufactured first Helical-Coil Steam Generator for CAREM-25 SMR. Tube-Sheet and Tubes are made of alloy 690, tubes are 35m length one-piece seamless, each. +
Fully assembled, ready for first instrumented tests.